AWS IoT Button + Pushover = Extra Laziness

May 23, 2016

I’ve four kids (and we’re done). My oldest is 9, and my youngest is 2. The oldest always wakes up around 5am, and the toddler wakes up around 6:30. I don’t like waking up at 6:30, and the oldest can now get her out of the crib.

So, every morning around 6:30, I hear the two year old start crying and then get my phone and text my son, who goes to get her. This is mostly great, except I have to wake up enough to send a text message (even just to copy/paste a previous request from the day before).

I could suggest that he get her up any time she starts crying after 6:30, but there are circumstances where we don’t want that, so I still want to be manually involved to some extent.

Enter the Amazon IoT Button. I hooked that up to an AWS Lambda function, which pings Pushover, which sends a push notification to my son’s iPad. So, now instead of sending a text, I just push a button and go back to sleep.

The code itself is pretty simple. I didn’t really care about input, so it’s just an unused Java inputstream (note that all of the Lambda stuff requires plain Java interactions, so .asJava is necessary if you’re returning a non-primitive). Full repo on GitHub: terrbear/iot-pinger:

package org.terrbear

import dispatch._, Defaults._

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._


object Natertot {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val notifier = new Notifier
    val answer = notifier.notify(notifier.YES_PLZ)

class Notifier {
  val PUSHOVER_KEY = "your-pushover-key"
  val PUSHOVER_APP_KEY = "your-pushover-app-key"
  val YES_PLZ = "Can you please get J out of bed?"

  def lambda(input:, context: Context) : String = {
    val logger = context.getLogger
    logger.log("got a click!")
    "all done"

  def notify(msg: String): Future[String] = {
    val request = url("").POST << Map("token" -> PUSHOVER_APP_KEY, "user" -> PUSHOVER_KEY, "message" -> msg)
    Http(request OK as.String)

I’m not really embracing Dispatch’s futures here, but that seemed reasonable for the way it’s running. Also, Lambda wants a class it can instantiate to call the handler method (from my tiny bit of experimentation).

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Buy an IoT Button
  2. Install Pushover and make an account and register an app
  3. Make your own Lambda function - when you’re creating the Lambda function you’ll be given an opportunity to register your IoT Button.
  4. Profit.
© Terry Heath 2020